Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fun with Words!

As I have mentioned in an earlier blog, we live in a late 1940's ranch-style home....but I really want to live in a cottage.
So....we named our home "Grace Cottage" and know what? After 26 years of calling it a cottage.....it is a Cottage!

The above photo is our front porch....I call it the Veranda!
Just sounds lovelier than front  porch!

This is our back patio which is called the Terrace!  Ah, the power of a word!  Kevin and I feel quite elegant having a Terrace and Veranda!  We usually get confused which is which, even after all these years!

Now we have a new project...part of our front lawn has died under a big cork oak tree.  Wanting to add a french touch to our Cottage, I informed Kevin we needed to cover this area with gravel, add a bistro set and some potted ferns.  I've never been to France, but I have seen French homes with gravel.....Anyway, I suddenly thought - what are we going to call this new area?  Surely not the front gravel area!  After some hard thinking....we will be having a French Courtyard!

Oh the silliness!  Photos of the new French Courtyard with be coming soon!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


This is a little art project I did a few summers ago which was inspired by an article in Sommerset magazine.  My  theme of "Pearl of Great Price"  came from one of Jesus' parables.  I love unpacking it from the Summer box each year!

Hope you're enjoying your summer.  Ours has been filled with lots of relaxing days....puttering in the garden, hopping in and out of our little pool, enjoying our grandbabies and a new kitten!

A belated Happy Fourth of July!  We are still have all of our little flags up....inside and out!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dinners on the table!

Summer and patty pan squash, tomato and lemon cucumber from here!

Green beans from here!  Plus red onions from here which were harvested earlier .

A few eggs from here!

and we have dinner! 

 (except for the 
avocado and cheese, all my dinner ingredients came from our backyard! Love it!  Maybe I should get a milking goat and an 
avocado tree!)